showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Binary Land  Hudson Soft1985In Binary Land you control two cute penguins simultaneously through a maze. At the beginning you decide which bird you control directly resulting in the other bird having a mirrored control scheme. That means when you run left with the first bird, the second bird would run right. Both birds start from different locations in the maze and the goal is that both birds reach the heart on the middle top of the maze at the same time. I found the concept really refreshing. With enemies roaming the maze you have to keep a good look for both birds at the same time. There are lots of mazes and the difficulty level raises just in the right amount, starting with easy mazes and getting slowly more difficult ones. labelimageminimize
Die Hard  Activision;Playtronic;Pack-In-Video (Activision)1991 labelimageminimize